Prof. Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University, gives a lecture at IMREA
IMREA Vila Mariana hosted on May 12 a series of lectures and debates with the special participation of Prof. Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University.
The opening speech was made by Prof. Dr. Linamara Rizzo Battistella, Full Professor of USP Medical School and Chair of IMREA Board of Directors, and Prof. Dr. Marta Imamura, who serves at IMREA and at FMUSP Department of Legal Medicine, Medical Ethics, Social and Occupational Medicine.
Other lecturers were Dr. Marcel Simis, Director of IMREA Neuromodulation Laboratory, Koichi Sameshima, Associate Professor of FMUSP Department of Radiology, and Prof. Hojjat Adeli, who delivered a speech on "Automated Diagnosis of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders based on EEG".
The meeting was attended by professors, researchers and students from FMUSP, USP Polytechnic School, UNESP, UNICAMP, the University of Michigan and FAPESP, as well as representatives of IMREA In- and Outpatient Services and Clinical Research Center.
Prof. Dr. Linamara Rizzo Battistella/Prof. Hojjat Adeli