Common Questions
1. How do I request a guided institutional visit?
The institutional visits are scheduled according to the availability of the institution and aim to present the physical space, services and projects for health professionals and students. To request an institutional guided tour of the capital's units, fill out the Request for Visitation Form And wait for email scheduling confirmation. For other units, please contact us directly. It is not allowed to approach patients, photograph, record audio or video during the visit.
2. What is the difference between rehabilitation and maintenance of the functional gains of the deficiencies?
Rehabilitation is the initial, integrated, interdisciplinary process developed by a multiprofessional team and coordinated by the physiatrist, in which the patient is inserted, and whose objective is to reach maximum cognitive and motor potential, the best level of independence possible and / or guide The most appropriate care for your health condition.
Maintenance is the post-rehabilitation phase, in which the patient has already achieved most of the expected gains, and tends to stabilize the condition, when new functional gains occur more slowly and less intensely. In addition, at this stage, there is a need to maintain the gains already achieved and to prevent possible complications.
The objective of IMREA and the Lucy Montoro Network, as a highly complex health organization, is Rehabilitation.
3. How do I submit my resume?
Access the link "Work with us".
4. I would like information on the therapeutic workshops.
Therapeutic workshops allow the discovery of interests, abilities and potentialities of people with disabilities. They enable interaction with each other, with space and stimulate the exchange of experiences, facilitating communication between people. The workshops are coordinated by the Occupational Therapy Service and have specialized art educators.
5. I want information about habilitation and professional rehabilitation.
The Professional Qualification or Rehabilitation promotes the professional qualification / qualification and personal development, facilitating insertion or reintegration into the labor market, adapted when necessary. Provides an opportunity for income generation, favoring social, professional inclusion and the exercise of citizenship.
6. I am a professional interested in the area of rehabilitation and would like to know the programming of the courses offered.
To know the courses and events, look for to navigate regularly in our site and to verify the area of courses.
7. I am patient and would like to register a compliment, suggestion and / or complaint, how should I proceedr?
For compliments, suggestions and / or demonstrations, you can search the Ombudsman for each unit.
8. The service is free?
Yes, the Lucy Montoro Network is linked to the Government of the State of São Paulo and offers rehabilitation programs through the SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde). There are some services offered in private and covenant. Refer to the unit.
9. I would like to volunteer.
To find out how the volunteer program works in the units of the capital, visit the website of AVOHC. For other units, please contact us directly.
10. How Mobile Works?
The Mobile Unit aims to provide technical aids that can contribute to the rehabilitation process carried out in municipalities and minimize mobility restrictions. To learn more, visit the Mobile Unit area.